PAYE Candidates
PAYE stands for Pay As You Earn. In this article we explain what it means to be a PAYE worker with Crone Corkill.

As a PAYE (Pay As You Earn) worker, you’ll be engaged by us as an agency worker on a Contract for Services, under which you will work temporarily for one of our clients.
An Assignment Schedule will be issued before your assignment begins and will contain useful information such as your start date, end date, pay rate, information on the client you’ll be working for, and the location and details of the role.
We’ll pay you weekly and make any statutory reductions required by law, such as National Insurance and tax. You’re also entitled to key rights and benefits under UK employment law, which you can learn more about on the governments website.
Starter Declaration Form
To ensure that you pay the right amount of tax, Crone Corkill will need a completed New Starter Declaration Form. Your Starter Declaration Form will need to be signed and submitted to our Payroll Department within the first week of your assignment through Crone Corkill. You can submit in hard copy or by email to: [email protected]
Failure to complete the Starter Declaration Form may result in not being paid.
You can download a Starter Declaration form from or contact our payroll team on 0161 521 3415.

Agency Workers Regulations
As an Agency Worker you receive equal treatment in relation to some aspects of pay and holiday after 12 weeks in an assignment under the Agency Workers Regulations (AWR) 2010.
After working over twelve weeks in the same or a similar role within the same organisation you will then have the right to equal pay and holiday entitlement based on a directly hired equivalent worker. Any changes to your contract will be confirmed by your consultant ahead of these rights coming into effect.
If you think you’re not receiving your rights at any point of the assignment, or have any questions, contact your consultant or email [email protected].

Working Time Regulations
Under The Working Time Regulations 1998, a worker cannot be made to work more than 48 hours a week (averaged over 17 weeks). However it is legal for you to work more than 48 hours in some weeks, as long as it’s balanced by you working fewer hours in other weeks so that the average over a 17 week period isn’t more than 48 hours.
An opt in/opt out form will be offered to you for you to complete and you can let us know in writing if you ever change your mind regarding your working hours.
Your breaks and rest periods are set through The Working Time Regulations too.
Head over to the official government website here for more information.

If you have left employment, you should have been given a P45. This document prompts our payroll team to inform HMRC that you are now working through Crone Corkill. It is extremely important that you submit your P45 as soon as you receive it. Until this is submitted, you may find that you need to temporarily pay more tax until our payroll department has a tax code for you. Tax adjustments can be made throughout the year and any excess tax paid will be returned to you.

This is sent to you at the end of each tax year. It will show how much you have earned throughout the year, alongside how much tax and NI you have paid. You will receive only one of these per year, issued by the organisation you are working through at tax year end.

You are automatically assessed and considered as per the Government workplace pension rules three months from the start of your assignment.
The pension provider used by Crone Corkill is NOW Pensions, and you can contact members’ support on 0330 100 3334.
Visit the Government pages here for additional information.

Statutory sick, maternity, paternity or adoption pay
PAYE workers are eligible for Statutory Sick Pay, Statutory Maternity Pay, Statutory Paternity Pay and Statutory Adoption Pay, subject to them meeting the eligibility criteria set out by HMRC for each type of payment. These schemes are government run and are in line with UK legislation.
Please contact our Payroll team on 0161 521 3415 or email [email protected]. where they’ll be happy to discuss your eligibility and right to claim.
For more information on your rights as an Agency Worker, please visit

Holiday Entitlement
We operate an accrued holiday pay system. From the start of your assignment you will accrue 28 days’ holiday, applied pro-rata. You will receive holiday pay when actual leave is taken, provided you have accrued enough time. This will be paid a week in arrears as with other payments.
20 days + 8 Bank Holidays (28 days) is the statutory entitlement and may be increased if you qualify for week twelve AWR rights in an organisation with a more generous holiday package.
Holidays taken are recorded through our payroll system. Your payslip will show the balance of holiday you have accrued. Other terms and conditions around holiday pay are set out in your candidate agreement.
You can take holiday when you are between assignments. Being off work on a bank holiday does count as a holiday day and this is accounted for in your statutory allowance.

Booking holiday
All holidays, including requests for Bank Holidays to be paid, need to be recorded on the timesheet and an authorised holiday request form submitted to Payroll in order for holidays to be paid. If booking time off during an assignment, you must give twice as much notice as the time off you wish to take e.g. if you wish to take one week off, you should give two weeks’ notice.
You accrue holiday in hours/units. Your holiday entitlement accumulates across assignments and remains with you during periods between work.
When you wish to book time off, you need to complete a Holiday Request Form and send it to [email protected]. For further information, please speak to your consultant.
If booking time off during an assignment, you must give twice as much notice as the time off you wish to take e.g. if you wish to take one week off, you should give two weeks’ notice.
You can only take holiday pay for holidays. Absences for other reasons are covered by other elements of UK law or are at the client’s discretion. In addition, holiday pay must be taken on a day you would usually work.
Our holiday year runs from the first week of each tax year. If you leave mid-year with holiday entitlement owing, this will be paid out to you and your P45 will follow shortly afterwards.
If you have any queries regarding your holiday pay or holiday entitlement, then please contact our payroll team on 0161 521 3415.